What is JGR?
JGR (speak 'Jaguar') is a universal and unified Graphical User Interface for R (it actually abbreviates Java Gui for R). JGR was introduced at the useR! meeting in 2004 and there is an introductory article in the Statistical Computing and Graphics Newsletter Vol 16 nr 2 p9-12
What's new? (changelog)
2017/09/20 | JGR can be found now at github.com. |
2017/09/11 | JGR 1.7-18 released Use rm(list=ls(all=TRUE)) for clearing workspace. |
2016/02/13 | JGR 2.1 Mac OS X launcher
JGR-2.1.dmg |
2013/12/21 | JGR 1.7-16 released
Added launchJGR for JGR launcher 2.0 compatibility. This allows JGR to be launched directly from R maintaining all environmental variables and paths of all packages.
JGR preferences no longer determine library paths. This had caused problems with R upgrades.
DataTable menu item changed to Data Table.
Added JGR icon replacing the default Java icon in the Windows tray.
Removed nested border from console split pane, and added padding for the text.
Updated object browser to be organized by class, and have icons to bring up contextual menus.
Added save support for data.frames in the Object Browser.
2013/05/09 | JGR 1.7-14 released Adapted to R 3.0.x changes |
2012/09/16 | JGR 1.7-11 released Adapted to JavaGD 0.6 |
2012/09/04 | JGR 1.7-10 released New object browser
Moved many calls to R off the GUI eval thread and made them cancelable.
Console remembers last height and width.
2011/11/16 | JGR 1.7-9 released Fix for R 2.14.x changes in html search engine |
2011/10/24 | JGR 1.7-8 released New icon set from KDE Crystal Project (LGPL) Data loader support for xls/xlsx Fix for infinite recursion bug on Mac OS X
2011/05/22 | JGR 1.7-7 released warning about GOMP issues
2011/03/20 | JGR 1.7-5 released some small bugfixes
2011/01/02 | JGR 1.7-4 released fixed issues with locating package paths
Added R code auto-formatting to Editor
In editor, run on an empty selection runs line and advances caret
Added italic comment preference item
read.spss now uses to.data.frame=TRUE option
2010/10/09 | JGR Launcher 1.62 released R 2.12.x modifications |
2010/10/09 | JGR 1.7-3 released fixed character escaping |
2010/09/24 | JGR 1.7-2 released removed some deprecated functions
redirect Java stdout to JGR console
Fixed MacOS JavaGD resize deadlock bug
Added JavaGD save support for png, jpeg, bmp, and tiff
Added ability to insert new menus, menu items, separators, and sub-menus. Menus and menu items can be removed.
Fixed 100% CPU on start-up bug
Cancel button fixed on unix systems
use rJava 0.8-6
2010/03/27 | JGR 1.7-1 released updated to rJava 0.8-3 version |
2009/10/28 | JGR 1.7-0 released with next R Release on 2008-10-26 JGR 1.7 will be released as soon as possible, this JGR version will only work with R 2.10.
New features will be:
- rJava 0.8
- using REngine API (JRI version 0.5)
- using new Help HTTP server
- Preference to disabled �Save Workspace� message when exiting |
2009/08/20 | JGR 1.6-8 released updated to new rJava 0.7-x version |
2009/06/11 | JGR 1.6-7 released just fixed splashscreen version number |
2009/06/08 | JGR 1.6-6 released fixed load files within multiple editor instances |
2009/06/07 | JGR 1.6-5 released fixed load data dialog re-enabled Help Agent in editor new preferences dialog, thanks to Ian Fellows for his work |
2009/06/01 | JGR 1.6-4 released added informative error message when JRI is missing
Fixed output buffering. Displaying large output to console is faster
reactivated possibility to set dataset name when loading a datafile
Fixed "Open Recent" in Editor
Fixed "Clear Console" command
Restructered menu to be consistent with RGui
ObjectManager, PackageManager, PackageInstaller as singleton
Editor, Datatable with automatic placement
2009/02/10 | JGR 1.6-3 released some improvements in editor and new "Load Datafile dialog", thanks to Ian Fellows for his work. |
2008/07/24 | JGR 1.6-2 and new launchers 1.61 released please download the new launchers for updating JGR |
2008/06/18 | JGR 1.6-1 released minor fix in editor and objects-browser component |
2008/06/15 | JGR 1.6-0 released please delete your .JGRprefs file in your home directory before and donwload the new launchers |
JGR for Windows and Mac OS X consists of two parts: JGR R package which is available from CRAN and JGR launcher. The latter is a small program that starts JGR from its R package. It can be also used to install all necessary packages.
Consider updating JGR from CRAN (e.g. via update.packages()) periodically to have the latest bugfixes etc.
Mac OS X 10.11.+ download:
- universal binary for R 3.0.0 or higher : JGR-2.1.dmg (ca. 94kB, updated 2016/02/13)
Mac OS X 10.8.+ download:
- universal binary for R 3.0.0 or higher : JGR-1.8.dmg (ca. 74kB, updated 2013/12/29)
Mac OS X 10.6.+ download:
- universal binary for R 2.10.0 or higher : JGR-1.6-SL.dmg (ca. 64kB, updated 2010/07/09)
Mac OS X 10.4., 10.5
- universal binary for R 2.5.0 or higher : JGR.dmg (ca. 73kB, updated 2008/07/24)
Windows 9x/.../XP/7 download:
- binary for R 2.12.0 or higher: jgr-1_62.exe (ca. 32kB, updated 2010/10/20)
- binary for R 2.12.0 or higher/ 64-Bit: jgr-1_62-x64.exe (ca. 38kB, updated 2010/10/20)
older versions
- binary for R 2.5.0 or higher: jgr.exe (ca. 25kB, updated 2008/07/24)
- binary for Windows 7 64-Bit: jgr-x64.exe (ca. 33kB, updated 2010/07/31)
If you are using one of the most popular Linux distributions, read our Linux tips page. First, make sure you have R shared library (libR.so, i.e. R was compiled with --enable-R-shlib). Then simply run in R (possibly as root for system-wide installation):
The run script is generated automatically, see the instruction during the above process.
Note: If you encounter a problem when loading rJava on a unix platform, please make sure that your Java is set up properly and R is configured with Java support - in R 2.4.0 or higher simply run the following as root:
R CMD javareconf
Source download:
- see SVN or files section.
- Download and install R 2.5.0 or higher (Linux/Solaris: make sure --enable-R-shlib was used when compiling R)
- Download the appropriate JGR application for your OS from above (Windows/Mac OS X) or install JGR package from CRAN.
- Start the JGR application! JGR will install all necessary packages directly from CRAN (or the RoSuDa server). (You should have administrator rights to get the packages installed)
- After step 3 completed successfully, JGR is fully installed and can be used.
Windows users: if you have more than one JDK version installed, you can use this tiny tool to select the default version that will be used with JGR: jselect.exe, jselect-x64.exe.
The Windows launcher accepts the following optional command line parameters:
--debug - show debugging info and create c:/jgrdebug.txt (must be the first parameter if used)
--rforge - use www.rforge.net for package installation instead of CRAN (useful to install latest development packages)
--libpath=xxx - set librarypath
--rhome=xxx - set R_HOME